Bretagne(s) World Sounds
Production de spectacles — Festival
Tel : 07 88 41 13 15France
Maison des associations
Impasse du Colombier
22110 Rostrenen — France
Bretagne(s) World Sounds is a newly created group of 18 world music producers from the Brittany region of France. The group focuses on weaving and fostering new connections between the traditional musical aesthetics of Brittany and the rest of the world. They are all members of the network Zone Franche, committed to its ethical World Music charter.
Informations sur les artistes produits, en tournée, programmés
The group represents artists such as Annie Ebrel, Jean-Luc Thomas & Gaby Kerdoncuff, Erik Marchand, Jacky Molard, Olli, Mariana Caetano, Maura Guerrera, Skeduz, Spontus... with a view to promoting and developing their music at a regional, national and international level.